Thursday, 17 September 2009

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Latip's wife admitted defeat.

" So tmrow tell 'em all, just blame me for everything and I'm sorry n "Aku nda mau lg ungkit smua ani". If they talk about this again, Aku nda layan, just talk to the walls n just until here who wrong is me. that's it. i'm terriblely sorry for everythings. " - Afiqah Aqilah.

do YOU think she is telling the truth?
I do.

but, I don't know.
entah, I don't know who to trust.
I'm NOT saying that you're a liar, Najeeb.
It's just that, you don't have a proof.


I'm not on your side nor hers.
but, YOU are still my friend.
One of my greatest friends.

again, I don't know WHO to trust.


and to YOU (whoever is offended)
don't blame Aisyah SAHAJA because of the "CAWIR english mu a!!" on the paper.
It was MY idea, too.

Sorry for everything.
Happy Fasting.


haha, baju Cigu Sammy punya color is ALMOST the same as our wall's color. LOL.

DnT-ians. ;D

Fifi, the STAR. (Patrick) lol, kidding! ;D

We're getting crazier and crazier EVERYDAY!! ;BB

Thursday, 3 September 2009

faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart. ;bb

A boy was riding a bus. All of the sudden, his stomach ached and he really needed to fart. Being aware that the music was turned on very loudly, he started to fart folloiwing the music's rhythm. He closed his eyes and shaked his head while he farted so that no one would know that he was farting. After he was done letting all his toxic out. He opened his eyes. All of the passengers were looking at him disgustedly. Then he remembered, he was actually wearing his headphones!!

do you get it?

Satu hari, ada tiga orang lelaki menaiki sebuah teksi. Dalam perjalanan ke tempat yang hendak dituju, salah seorang daripada lelaki-lelaki tersebut telah berkentut. Pemandu teksi itu pun marah dan bertanya kepada mereka siapa yang berkentut. Tetapi tidak ada orang yang mengakun. Pemandu teksi itu pun berdiam diri dan menahan hidungnya. Setelah mereka sampai ke tempat yang hendak dituju, ketiga-tiga lelaki tersebut terus membayar dan keluar daripada teksi itu. Lalu, pemandu teksi itu pub berkata, "Orang yang bekantut alum bayar!!" dan salah seorang daripada lelaki-lelaki itu terus berkata, "Ih, sudah jua!!"

anda faham?


Learning Science with Fifi.

We were learning about the eyes, and our teacher asked a question.

teacher : What can you do to protect your eyes?
Fifi : Do not look at the sun.....
teacher : yyyes.
Fifi : .....always look at the moon.
teacher : 8|